CMDI tutorial

Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 08:00 to 15:00

Thursday September 13 CLARIN-NL will organize for the fourth time a Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) tutorial at the Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen. In the course of one day we will present an overview of CMDI, what it is and can be used for, the role of CMDI within CLARIN and which tools are available to create and use CMDI metadata. An important part of this tutorial will be gaining hands-on experience with the CMDI tools.

This tutorial is targeted to those that for instance in the scope of a CLARIN project will need to produce CLARIN metadata for their resources.

All participants are requested to bring a laptop with JAVA SE version 6 installed. The tutorial will start at 10.00 and finish before 17.00. A more detailed agenda will be published soon.

Attendance is free, but registration is required. You can sign up for this event here. Registration is open until September 10.

All the materials of the tutorial can be found here.


Time Title Speaker
9.30-10.00 Welcome and coffee  
10.00-10.20 VLO: facetted browsing, keyword search Dieter van Uytvanck
10.20-10.40 Metadata Alex Koenig
10.40-11.30 CMDI metadata Daan Broeder
11.30-12.00 CMDI & Interoperabiliteit Ineke Schuurman
12.00-13.00 Lunch  

Tool Introduction:

ARBIL (Peter Withers)

Component editor/register (Twan Goosen)

ISOcat (Menzo Windhouwer)

Metadata search (Peter Withers)


Hands on:

  • instantiating existing schema
  • finding a suitable existing schema
  • create a new schema, with one new component
  • use the ISOcat from the component editor
  • see the results

