Call3 Information Session

Thursday, August 25, 2011 - 11:00 to 16:00

On August 25th, 2011 CLARIN-NL organizes an information session on Call 3. During this session members of the CLARIN-NL Executive Board will provide general information about the project and about the third call in particular. A couple of subprojects awarded in the first and the second call will present their work and 2 movies about subprojects will be shown. The information session is especially intended for people who are considering submitting a proposal in Call 3.

Below, you can find the agenda. Everyone is welcome to have lunch at 13:00!

More information about the third call can be found here.

Attendance is free but registration is required. You can register until August 16, 2011. Register here!


Time Speaker Title
13:00   Lunch
13:45 Hans Bennis Introduction
13:55 Jan Odijk CLARIN-NL Call 3 (.pdf)
14:15 Marc Kemps-Snijders S&D (.pdf)
14:35 Toine Pieters WAHSP (.pdf)
14:50 Jan Odijk Requirements & Desiderata (.pdf)
15:05   Break
15:35 Arjan van Hessen CLARIN-NL Movies
15:45 Karina van Dalen-Oskam ArthurianFiction (.pdf)
16:00 John Nerbonne Gabmap, een webapplicatie voor dialectologie (.pdf)
16:20 Sjef Barbiers MIMORE (.pdf)
16:40   Drinks


