On January 14-15 the KNHG (Royal Dutch History Society) and the Huygens Institute will organise the first THATCamp in the Netherlands. This is an open conference for specialists in Digital Humanities and historians. During this event the renewed website www.historici.nl will be launched. The conference will take place at the KB, National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague. THATCamp The Hague will start with some practical workshops introducting several general issues and tools. Afterwards, participants will confront all kinds of problems in different sessions.
THATCamp stands for The Humanities and Technology Camp. It's a so-called 'unconference': the programme will be determined on the day itself. There is no hierarchy: professors, teachers, students will all work together. There will be no formal papers, but a lot of informal presentations. THATCamps are all about informal and problem oriented collaboration
Participations is free. More information on the programme can be found on the special THATCamp The Hague website.