Last week CLARIN-NL Programme Director Jan Odijk delivered his presentation "Searching for Constructions with GrETEL" during the Syntax Interface Meetings at Utrecht University. Watch (a shorter version of) this lecture via LectureNet. The full powerpoint hyperpresentation (293 slides!) can be found here.
GreTEL (Greedy Extraction of Trees for Empirical Linguistics) is an interface to the syntactically annotated corpus LASSY-Small and the syntactically annotated part of the CGN (Spoken Dutch Corpus). GrETEL is a query engine in which linguists can use a natural language example as a starting point for searching a treebank with limited knowledge about tree representations and formal query languages. It has been developed by CLARIN Flanders (KU Leuven) in the context of the cooperation between CLARIN-NL and CLARIN Flanders.