CLARIN ERIC is happy to announce the 3rd edition of the CLARIN Annual Conference and calls for the submission of papers.
The CLARIN Annual Conference is organized for the humanities and social sciences community to exchange ideas and experiences on the CLARIN infrastructure. This includes its design and construction, its operation and use, data and services that it contains or should contain, research carried out with the CLARIN infrastructure, the relation of CLARIN to other infrastructures and projects, and the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts has been extended to July 1, 2014. Consequently, notifications of acceptance will now be sent before August 7, 2014.
For more information on the submission of abstracts, please visit https://www.clarin.eu/news/call-papers-clarin-annual-conference.
Design and construction of the CLARIN infrastructure, e.g.
- Metadata, metadata tools, metadata profiles and components metadata harvesting
- Persistent identifiers
- Single Sign On Authentication and Authorization
- Facilities for searching and browsing for data (via metadata)
- Facilities for searching in and through data
- CLARIN Centres and CLARIN Centre Federation
- Web applications, web services, and work flows
- Standards and Interoperability
- …
Operation of the CLARIN infrastructure, e.g.
- Usage statistics
- Usage experiences
- Desired functionality
- Legal and Ethical Issues
- …
CLARIN Data and Services, e.g.
- Data and software curation
- Demonstrators
- Showcases
- Usability studies of CLARIN tools and services
- …
Research carried out with the CLARIN infrastructure
- Use of the CLARIN infrastructure in actual humanities research
- Limitations of using CLARIN for humanities research
- Requests for new functionality in the CLARIN infrastructure
- …
CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure and Dissemination, e.g.
- User Assistance (helpdesks, user manuals, FAQs)
- CLARIN Portals
- Videos and screen casts
- Recorded lectures
- …
Relation with other Infrastructures and Projects, e.g.
- Relations with other SSH research infrastructures such as DARIAH, CESSDA, etc.
- Relations with meta-infrastructure projects such as DASISH, EUDAT, and RDA.
- Relations with national initiatives
- …
The Scientific Programme will include oral presentations, posters, and demos. There is no difference in quality between oral and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of communication (more or less interactive) to the content of the paper will be considered.
Submission of proposals for oral presentations, poster presentations and/or demos must be extended abstracts (length: 2-4 A4 pages) in PDF format, in accordance with the template provided. They must be submitted through the CLARIN ERIC conference submission system and will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.
The first author must work in any of the countries or regions covered by CLARIN ERIC members or by CLARIN ERIC observers. These countries and regions are: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Flanders, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Sweden.
However, it is not required that the authors are or have been involved in (national or international) CLARIN projects.
All proposals will be reviewed, on the basis of both individual criteria and global criteria (such as thematic, linguistic and geographical spread).
Individual acceptance criteria are:
- Appropriateness: The contribution must pertain to the CLARIN infrastructure (e.g. use CLARIN, contribute to the CLARIN design, construction or operation, etc.)
- Clarity: the extended abstract must have been written clearly
- Soundness / Correctness: the content must be technically and factually correct
- Meaningful Comparison: the abstract must indicate that the author is aware of alternative approaches
- Substance: the contribution must have sufficient substance to be acceptable
- Impact: Contributions with a higher expected impact will be preferred over papers with lower expected impact
If the submission is accepted, the (possibly revised) abstract will be published in the conference’s abstract book. The author(s) will be invited to submit a full paper (max. 12 pages) in PDF format and in accordance with the provided template for the Proceedings. These full papers will be reviewed according to the same criteria as the abstracts and accepted full papers will be published in the Proceedings. Only digital proceedings will be produced. They will appear 6 months after the Annual Conference.
The 3rd CLARIN ERIC Annual Conference will be held in Soesterberg, the Netherlands.
The conference programme committee consists of the following members:
- Koenraad De Smedt, University of Bergen, Norway
- Eva Hajičová, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
- Erhard Hinrichs, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Bente Maegaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Karlheinz Mörth, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
- Jan Odijk, Utrecht University, the Netherlands (Chair)
- Maciej Piasecki, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
- Kiril Simov, IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
- Remco van Veenendaal, Dutch Language Union, The Netherlands/Flanders
- Kadri Vider, University of Tartu, Estland
Date |
Item |
April 16, 2014 |
Call for Proposals Published |
April 30, 2014 |
Submission system open |
July 1, 2014 |
Extended abstract Submission deadline |
August 7, 2014 |
Notification of acceptance |
September 15, 2014 |
Final version of abstract due |
October 24-25, 2014 |
CLARIN 2014 Annual Conference |
31 Jan, 2015 |
Full paper submission deadline |
30 April, 2015 |
Proceedings Published |
Third CLARIN Annual Conference Website: https://www.clarin.eu/event/2014/annual-clarin-meeting-2014-soesterberg-nl
This Call for Papers is also available as PDF.