CLARIN ERIC calls for nominations for the CLARIN Major Achievement Award 2014.
This award is given annually to an outstanding young scientist or engineer in recognition of major contributions to the areas of language resource building, tool development, and knowledge sharing.
Price: Certificate plus €500 cash award
Eligibility: The award recipient must work in any of the countries or regions covered by CLARIN ERIC members or by CLARIN ERIC observers. At the time of creation of this award, these countries and regions are: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Flanders, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Sweden. The intended goal of this award is to promote young scientists and engineers below the age of 35.
Selection: The recipient will be chosen by the National Coordinators’ Forum of CLARIN ERIC (NCF). The NCF is responsible for establishing the procedure for reviewing the nominees’ work and for selecting the award recipient. Presentation: The award will be presented at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Nomination: Each candidate must be nominated by two persons who are not affiliated with the nominee’s home institution. Nominators and nominees must be working in the countries or regions covered by CLARIN ERIC members or by CLARIN ERIC observers. Ideally, the nominators should come from two different countries. Nominators should provide a written account of the nominee's work and the reasons it is felt to be an outstanding contribution to CLARIN. A list of bibliographic references to the nominee’s work, relevant links to language resources, language tools, and/or knowledge sharing activities by the nominee are desirable.
Nominations should be sent to the Chair of the National Coordinators’ Forum, Erhard Hinrichs, by e-mail to erhard.hinrichs@uni-tuebingen.de
Nomination deadline for 2014: September 15th, 2014
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