On June 19, 2012 CLARIN-NL will organize an ISOcat tutorial in Utrecht (NL).
Menzo Windhouwer (Max Planck Instituut voor Psycholinguïstiek in Nijmegen) and Ineke Schuurman (Universiteit Utrecht and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) will explain how ISOcat works, and how it can be used in all kinds of projects. There will be demonstrations and hands-on sessions. Additionally some time will be devoted to RELcat and the like, offering solutions to known ISOcat problems.
The tutorial is intended for participants in Call 3. If there is enough space, people who do not participate in Call 3 projects can join as well, but Call 3 participants will be given priority.
Registration is open until June 13th via the tab 'Signups' at the top of this page.
If you have any problems regarding registration on this website, but you want to participate in the workshop, please send an e-mail to Ineke Schuurman and give your name and affiliation.