On Monday September 3, Steven Krauwer received a plaquette for the CLARIN ERIC. The plaquette confirms the EU status of the research infrastructure CLARIN. In the presence of, amongst others, Yvonne van Rooy (parting chair of the Board of Governors of Utrecht University) and Wiljan van den Akker (dean of the Humanities), Robbert-Jan Smits, director-general DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission, presented the plaquette to Steven Krauwer, director of CLARIN ERIC. Robbert-Jan Smits expressed his appreciation of the effort that Utrecht University has put into the realization of CLARIN. Steven Krauwer gratefully accepted the plaquette and extended a word of thanks to people who have been involved in the foundation of CLARIN ERIC.
A more detailed article about the meeting can be found here (in Dutch).