On October 10, 2012 CLARIN-NL will organize the third ISOcat workshop of this year in Utrecht (NL). This is a closed workshop. Menzo Windhouwer (The Language Archive/DANS in The Hague) and Ineke Schuurman (Universiteit Utrecht and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) will elaborate on the previous introductory ISOcat workshops. The workshop is intended for participants in the third call. If there is enough space, people who do not participate in Call 3 can join as well, but Call 3 participants will be given priority.
The agenda for this meeting will be drawn up after Menzo and Ineke have received input from participants about problems they run into when using ISOcat.
Registration is open until October 7th, via this link or the tab 'Signups' at the top of this page.
The presentations of this workshop are available: