CLARIN-NL Kick-off meeting Call 4

Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 11:30 to 16:00
On February 21st, 2013, CLARIN-NL organizes a kick-off meeting about Call 4. The projects that have been accepted in Call 4, will present their plans. The meeting starts with a lunch (fac) and there will be drinks afterwards. The meeting will be in Dutch.

Participation in this event is free of charge, but requires registration. You can register until February 15th, 2013 (16.00) through the 'Register with this event' button or the 'Singups' button at the top of this page. In order to sign up this way, you need to be logged on to our website.

Drift 21 is accessible through the University Library at Drift 27. From there, follow the signs 'Drift 21'.


Time Title Speaker
12.30-13.00 Lunch  
13.00-13.20 Welcome with coffee and tea  
13.20-13.25 Introduction Hans Bennis
13.25-13.40 CLARIN-NL Call 4 Jan Odijk
13.40-13.50 Het LAISEANG project Paul Trilsbeek
13.50-14.00 e-BNM+: Linked data on Middle Dutch sources kept worldwide André Bouwman
14.00-14.10 Vulnerability in Acquisition: Language Impairments in Dutch:
Creating a CLARIN-supported VALID Data Archive
Jetske Klatter
14.10-14.20 COBWWWEB: Transnational sharing of data about women's authorship (production, circulation, reception up to the early 20th century) Suzan van Dijk
14.20-14.30 EXILSEA: Exploiting ISOcat's Language Sections in ELAN and ANNEX Han Sloetjes
14.30-14.50 AAI SSO Daan Broeder
14.50-15.00 Movies  
15.00-15.40 Break  
15.40-15.50 DSS Victor de Boer & Matthias van Rossum
15.50-16.00 @PhilosTEI/TiCCLing Philosophy Martin Reynaert
16.00-16.10 QuaMeRDES Maarten de Rijke
16.10-16.20 SHEBANQ: System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for Queries and Markup Wido van Peursen
16.20-16.30 ColTime: Collaboration on Time-Based Resources Daan Broeder
16.30-16.40 A Digital Workbench for Rembrandt Research Suzan Verberne
16.40-17.00 D-LUCEA Hugo Quené
17.15 Drinks  

