On Thursday August 30, CLARIN-NL organized an information session about Call 4 at the Meertens Institute. Hans Bennis opened the meeting and placed CLARIN-NL in the broader context of digital initiatives in the Humanities. Sally Wyatt’s presentation about eHumanities within the KNAW nicely fitted in with Hans Bennis’ story. Jan Odijk informed the audience about the practical issues related to Call 4 and Ineke Schuurman lifted a corner of the veil about ISOcat. All projects will have to work with ISOcat in order to make their data and software ‘understood’ by other software (so-called ‘semantic interoperability’). The rest of the afternoon several subprojects presented their work. The project TTNWW (TST Tools voor het Nederlands als Webservices in een Workflow) is wrapping up. The workflows that will result from this project will be available at the end of this year, and will contain interoperable web services for making automated linguistic annotations in text corpora. The projects NEHOL (Negerhollands Database), C-DSD (Curating the Dutch Song Database) and VK (Verrijkt Koninkrijk ‘Enriched Kingdom) showed the audience what a subproject in a CLARIN call looks like. The curation project C-DSD has effectively finished. Because of this project the Dutch Song Database can now be more easily accessed and searched through. This makes it also easier to exchange the data with other research communities. The project NEHOL has curated the Negerhollands Database. During their presentation the possibilities of the database were demonstrated. The third call project VK has started earlier this year. This project showed that they already have done a lot of work, but also that there is still work to do to make their data CLARIN compliant. We hope that the information session made those present enthusiastic and more confident about CLARIN and many researchers will make an appeal to Call 4. The slides of the presentations can be found here. |