General documents
- General information document addressing data curation by the DCS
- State of affairs June 2012 (in Dutch)
- State of affairs December 2012 (in Dutch)
- Planned curations 2013
- DCS pilot document
Curation reports:
- CurationReport-WGD-Rivierengebied.pdf
- CurationReport-WGD-Veluwe-mens.pdf
- CurationreportIPNV.pdf
- CurationReport-LESLLA.pdf
- CurationReport-Brabants-BiksePraot.pdf
- CurationReport-Brabants-Handwoordenboek.pdf
- CurationReport-Brabants-KempenschTaaleigen.pdf
- CurationReport-Brabants-NitterselsWoordenbuukske.pdf
- CurationReport-Brabants-Nuenens.pdf
- CurationReport-Brabants-Schaijks.pdf
- CurationReport-WBD-Part-III.pdf
- CurationReport-WLD-Part-III.pdf
Overview of the dissemination activities of the DCS:
- LREC_2014_DCS-paper-v6.pdf, paper accepted for LREC2014, 28-30 May 2014, Reykjavik
- Poster Presentation at The Soeterbeeck eHumanities Workshop, June 13-14, 2013, Ravenstein near Nijmegen
- Paper and poster presented at IDCC 2013 14 - 17 January 2013, Amsterdam
- Paper in the International Journal of Data Curation (Vol 8, No 2, 2013)
- LREC-2012_CMLC-Oostdijk&vandenHeuvel_DCS_FINAL.pdf presented at the Workshop Challenges in the management of large corpora
- Abstract of presentation presented at the Dutch Society of Phonetic Sciences, 13 December 2012 in Utrecht